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 Christmas eve Juleaftensdag og juleaften blev fejret med hygge og sjov sammen med kaninerne. Vi har som sagt brugt meget tid på at lave en julegave til Sandy og Molly hele december måned, og juleaften skulle den vises frem. Da vi kom ind med den i deres løbegård, med fin sløjfe på, så kom begge kaniner løbende med fuld fart hen til os, for at se, hvad det dog var for noget vi kom med. De var som altid meget nysgerrige på, hvad vi laver, så de blev ved med at løbe rundt om benene på os. Vi var nødt til at lukke dem ind i det lille hus, fordi vi skulle grave en stor flise ned, så vi lukkede dem ind for en sikkerheds skyld. De skulle jo nødig komme til skade. Bare rolig, vi lukkede dem ud 10 minutter senere. De skulle jo ikke sidde indenfor på juleaften. Da de så kom ud igen, så skulle de undersøge julegaven, og de hoppede op på den flere gange og kiggede rundt. Vi tilføjede også en ekstra lille sjov til, nemlig en snor i midten, hvor vi engang i mellem hænger frugt og grønt på, så nu ho

4. Advent

 Christmas eve is nearby Så blev det den 4. advent. Som tiden dog flyver. Nu er der ikke lang tid til juleaften. Molly og Sandy glæder sig også helt vildt meget til juleaften. Shania og jeg har nemlig brugt december på at lave en lille gave til dem i julemandens værksted. De ved intet om det, men jeg er spændt på at se, hvad de siger til dem. Vi er ikke helt færdige med den endnu, men det er vi snart. Vi mangler kun nogle små fin justeringer og noget dekoration på den, og så skulle den være der. 4. Advent skulle i allerhøjeste grad fejres med julehygge og gaver. Vi havde lagt deres adventsgaver i deres julesokker, som de har hængende i løbegården dagen i forvejen, så de rigtig kunne sidde og kigge på dem, og gætte hvad der mon var i. Da Sandy og Molly fik lov til at pakke gaver op, som de med glæde gør, fordi de elsker at pakke gaver op. Jeg tror godt at man kan sige, at de er glade for pakker. Fuldstændig lige som man var vild efter at pakke gaver op, da man var mindre. Sandys gave va

Christmas games and fun

A fun Christmassy day Pakkeleg  Shania og jeg besluttede os for at lave et sjovt spil sammen med kaninerne. Shania havde pakket en masse gaver ind, som indeholdt nogle godbidder, kaniner godt må få. Vi ville nemlig lave pakkeleg med dem, og ja, så tænker man, at det nok er vildt svært at spille sådan en avanceret spil med kaniner, men faktisk var det meget sjovere og nemmere, end man skulle tro. Vi satte os ned i løbegården sammen med dem, hvor de følte sig mest trygge, og så lagde vi pakkerne på jorden, og så havde vi en lille terning, som de også kunne kaste med. Shania forklarede reglerne, og vi kig i gang med spillet, da alle regler var på plads, og kaninerne havde sat sig på deres pladser. Shania kastede terningen og havde begynderheld så hun fik en 6'er og måtte tage en valgfri pakke. Derefter blev det Molly's tur og hun var også så heldig at kunne vælge en pakke. Begynder held var dog ikke lige på min og Sandy's side, men den kom til sidst, hvor Sandy fik taget en ma

3. Advent

It is finally 3rd advent! We are getting closer and closer to Christmas. It has now become the 3rd of Advent, and it should of course be celebrated with Sandy and Molly. Today is both the 13th of December, that is Lucia, and the 3rd of Advent, so there should be twice as much fun as we usually do. We went out to the rabbits in their enclousure, at. 6.30pm where it had gotten dark so we could walk Lucia all the way down to them at the other end of the garden. We had found some small electric lights, and then we went and sang Santa Lucia. They thought well enough that it was very strange that we came down to them singing. It was nonetheless really nice to go Lucia parade, just like we have done for them the last few years. This year, of course, should be no exception. We remembered to keep 2 meters distance when we sang ;) We could not forget to give the rabbits a Christmas tree, as this is an essential part of the whole Christmas. There was no way to buy a Christmas tree this year, so w

2. Advent

2nd Advents party Hi everyone, Then it was 2nd Advent and the Christmas mood continues. The days go by quickly but Christmas must be enjoyed with lots of presents so of course the rabbits must have that too. They did each receive their gifts which was dried pineapple and some dried stinging nettle leaves, respectively. Sandy was not so fond of stinging nettle leaves but Molly came and ate them when Sandy was gone for there should be no waste of food. Molly cleans up the remnants so it does not get damp and old. Molly also ate her pineapple pieces. It looked like they tasted good because she ate the rest of the pieces after she tasted the first one to see what it was now that I had put in her calendar today. There are different things in the calendar for each day so it will continue to be a surprise. Even though you have put the presents in the calendar, you have completely forgotten what the rabbits get when it is that day so it is as much a surprise for us humans as it is for the rabb

1. Advent! 🕯️

Hey there! It is first advent this year. The day was celebrated with gifts for the rabbits and a lot of quality time together. The rabbits received their Advent gift during the day so they could get to look forward to it. They were both crazy about unpacking their gifts and they seemed so happy for their gifts. Both of them was wrapping paper and chewed on it, of course. You can not have anything in your home without it just having to be tasted on first. Molly loved her three little festive balls and she pushed around with them along with Sandy. Sandy got some homemade carrot snacks as her gift. It was just so nice to see their reaction when they unpacked their presents. It is something special to see their happiness and excitement when they get something they like. In the evening we lit the lights which we had set up in their rabbit run the day before. In addition, we had also Christmas decorated their rabbit run which is rabbitfriendly and safe for them in case it would fall down. Th

Halloween 👻

Happy Halloween! Sandy and Molly are crazy about autumn but it can get a little scary at the end of October. We had decorated a bit with halloween decorations here and there during the week in their rabbit run. Some of the decorations was made as little ghosts that we had made out of yarn and others were cobwebs that we had made out of their own fur. All the things we decorated with did we make sure was not harmful to the rabbits if it would fall down and it got chewed on. Therefore was the cobwebs made out of the fur that they had shed off during the fall. It ended up looking really spooky. In addition to the things we hung up we had also drawn faces on their stones inside the rabbit run that they usually jump on. They were not entirely happy with that. Like everything else, this was also secured. What was drawn with was not ordinary chalk. It was a white stone that had a white color and was an ordinary stone we had found in the nature. The rabbits of course also needed their own pump

Rabbit emotions

Rabbits do have feelings Rabbit language among themselves Laying side by side Rabbits that are put together and can figure out how to live together will often be friends for life with a few quarrels, but then again, who can not have a bad day? They will be numerous if they have first found each other and once they have figured out what their hierarchy is like. Rabbits in the wild are very dependent on each other as they live in colonies, which means they each have their family in a huge herd where they all keep an eye out for predators, and warn each other if danger is at the door. What could be the cause of the quarrel? Many rabbit owners find it difficult to assess whether the rabbits are up for a fight or whether they just have a small "disagreement". Here are some reasons why your rabbits may get into an argument: Territorial behavior. If two rabbits share a small cage, then they will both take it as if they own it, and some small disagreements may arise in such situatio

Do rabbits dream? 💤

Can rabbits really dream like humans? Yes, they can dream. Sometimes you will notice that the sleeping rabbit makes some small twitches with the head, cheeks or maybe even with the whole body. This is something they do when they dream. When experiencing this, it is best to just leave the rabbit alone and let it enjoy its nap. The rabbits can dream in many different ways. However, we do not know exactly what they dream of. If you see your rabbit lying and twitching while it sleeps, you do not have to be worried and wake it up because the rabbit has just had a dream. But if you have woken it up anyway, it is most likely angry at you for waking it up in its nap where it was just getting to the exciting part of the dream where it was running through a field of carrots. Maybe you know it yourself? If you had just come to the thrill of the dream and you are awakened just before you get to the good part. Then it might be understandable that the rabbit may not be completely satisfied wit

Can outdoor rabbits free roam?

Free roamed and indoor visits Our rabbits are outdoor rabbits that means they live outside in a rabbit run on a daily basis in all kinds of weather but that does not mean that they can not come inside sometimes. It's also something they enjoy, they love exploring new places and opportunities. They like to be inside the house for several hours at a time but keep in mind the temperature must be reasonable both outside and inside, otherwise you can ventilate well so that the heat or cold comes in. I've said it before but there must not be the big temperature differeneses when it comes to rabbits. They do have difficulty adjusting to the weather and adapting to changes. Therfere choose a season like summer where there isn't much difference in the temperature if you want to have a visitor like your rabbit.  There are many who have decorated their house or apartment for their rabbit sake and it's definitely also something you can do with yours but you should still keep in min

Poisonous plants and how rabbits identify them

  How rabbits react to poisonous plants There are many wild plants that are ideal for rabbits in the wild. But it is, after all, also where they live when they do not live in captivity by humans. The wild rabbits know which plants are poisonous and which are edible by their instincts but it can be a little difficult for domestic rabbits to distinguish the difference. The rabbits that live in captivity will usually avoid the dangerous and poisonous plants but if we as owners restrict the feeding, a problem arises as the rabbits can no longer decide for themselves what they want to eat. If you come to offer the domestic rabbits some poisonous plants with vegetables and other things, then it can be difficult for the rabbits to see and smell what it is and then you cannot count on them sorting it out themselves. It is therefore our task as owners of the rabbits to only offer them the plants that are good and nutritious for them and then sort out the poisonous ones from the edible ones.