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Halloween 👻

Happy Halloween!

Sandy and Molly are crazy about autumn but it can get a little scary at the end of October.

We had decorated a bit with halloween decorations here and there during the week in their rabbit run. Some of the decorations was made as little ghosts that we had made out of yarn and others were cobwebs that we had made out of their own fur. All the things we decorated with did we make sure was not harmful to the rabbits if it would fall down and it got chewed on. Therefore was the cobwebs made out of the fur that they had shed off during the fall. It ended up looking really spooky. In addition to the things we hung up we had also drawn faces on their stones inside the rabbit run that they usually jump on. They were not entirely happy with that. Like everything else, this was also secured. What was drawn with was not ordinary chalk. It was a white stone that had a white color and was an ordinary stone we had found in the nature.

The rabbits of course also needed their own pumpkins so we bought two small pumpkins one for each. Faces were cut into the pumpkins (which in fact were hokkaido) and then they were put back in the rabbit run. They immediately started gnawing and chewing big holes in the hokkaido but that certainly made them no less creepy. It was fun to see the way they handled the alien "creatures".

But not only with all the things we did together the four of us in the rabbit run, of course we also let the rabbits run for in the garden. There were no predators and when the door was finally opened they ran out like two wild lions that have been trapped in a cage for far too long even though they even have 21 square meters to run on daily. They were really happy to get out and run around in the autumn leaves. They ate some leaves and some grass here and there but the apples that had fallen from the apple tree could not of course pass their snouts. They stopped for every step and took a bite of the next apple. On the occasion of the day, they were allowed to eat a little apple without getting too much and after a while where they were pushed away from the apples. They understood the point and went over and ate some apple leaves and some grass instead. Their little fluffy paws trampled around in the noisy leaves but they barrely noticed it. However, they were a bit jumpy due to the wind and at the slightest smell or sound and it therefore consumed a lot of their energy. They were completely exhausted when we took  them back indside the rabbit run. They just had to relax. It was getting dark when they were locked in and it was therefore no longer safe to have them out in the garden as we as owners began to have a hard time being able to see potential predators.

They even preferred each other up to several times but the decorating we had done was still a bit creepy. Molly was even scared and frightened at dusk where us humans had taken a mask on each to create a little more Halloween mood, and both Molly and Sandy ended up running confused away from the "monsters" we had now become. We eventually chose to give them some peace and then we let them be the rest of the evening (however, their spooky Halloween decorations still hung all evening and night until we came and put it away the next day).


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