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Showing posts from April, 2020

Cute photos

Keep the good spirit  Here are just some pictures of the cute rabbits that might lift your mood a little. Sandy and Molly are doing well, despite the many changes there are for us others. We try to minimize changes and stress as much as we can so that they are not affected as much. They jump around, and have a really good time. The sun is finally coming, and the heat comes quietly too, and the rabbits love it. They run and jump around like never before. So they just love spring. When all the trees and plants grow and soon they become green so the rabbits can eat them. That's what they're waiting for.   "Where there's light there's hope." Molly sees hope in the sunlight Molly is happy and makes a binky Sandy is ready for a run so she runs with high speed Sandy looking angelic in the sunlight Tired after a loong run. Time to a nap Family dinner in the backyard Molly saw the camera and decided to make a funny face

Happy Easter!

Hoppy Easter everybunny!!   Then it has become Easter and of course it should be celebrated with a little Easter egg hunt for the rabbits. We hid some little Easter eggs that we had bought around the garden to find and poke or just touch it before it was defined, like the rabbit had found it. They then got points according to how many they found, and then we hung them up in their yard afterwards. We had 9 eggs in total, 3 of them which were larger than the other 6. The rabbits ran around the garden trying to find these eggs, but there were many other things that just needed to be explored along the way. It wasn't that important to find eggs, either. It was super nice to spend some time with them and then we were so lucky with the weather as the sun has been shining for several days now. They enjoy it to the fullest, too! They also got some Easter treats in the form of some carrot treats that we had bought some time ago  Sandy found her first egg with a picture of a rabbit

Washing the rooftop of the bunnies rabbit run

We all love gardening when the sun shines right?  The weather has also been pretty good today, so we decided to turn in and do some work. It's always good to get the job done a little when the spring heat is coming. Then we washed the roof in the rabbit lawn, so now it has turned blue again and the rabbits can finally get some light again. It had become quite dark with all the dirt and mildew that had fallen on the roof over the fall and winter. It took us approx. 2 hours in total, where the rabbits had to sit inside the small house, so we did not hit them with the water from the garden hose, so they were not happy in such a heat (it is much warmer for rabbits when they have so much fur).  BEFORE the wash AFTER the wash