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Showing posts from September, 2020

Do rabbits dream? 💤

Can rabbits really dream like humans? Yes, they can dream. Sometimes you will notice that the sleeping rabbit makes some small twitches with the head, cheeks or maybe even with the whole body. This is something they do when they dream. When experiencing this, it is best to just leave the rabbit alone and let it enjoy its nap. The rabbits can dream in many different ways. However, we do not know exactly what they dream of. If you see your rabbit lying and twitching while it sleeps, you do not have to be worried and wake it up because the rabbit has just had a dream. But if you have woken it up anyway, it is most likely angry at you for waking it up in its nap where it was just getting to the exciting part of the dream where it was running through a field of carrots. Maybe you know it yourself? If you had just come to the thrill of the dream and you are awakened just before you get to the good part. Then it might be understandable that the rabbit may not be completely satisfied wit

Can outdoor rabbits free roam?

Free roamed and indoor visits Our rabbits are outdoor rabbits that means they live outside in a rabbit run on a daily basis in all kinds of weather but that does not mean that they can not come inside sometimes. It's also something they enjoy, they love exploring new places and opportunities. They like to be inside the house for several hours at a time but keep in mind the temperature must be reasonable both outside and inside, otherwise you can ventilate well so that the heat or cold comes in. I've said it before but there must not be the big temperature differeneses when it comes to rabbits. They do have difficulty adjusting to the weather and adapting to changes. Therfere choose a season like summer where there isn't much difference in the temperature if you want to have a visitor like your rabbit.  There are many who have decorated their house or apartment for their rabbit sake and it's definitely also something you can do with yours but you should still keep in min