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3. Advent

It is finally 3rd advent!

We are getting closer and closer to Christmas. It has now become the 3rd of Advent, and it should of course be celebrated with Sandy and Molly. Today is both the 13th of December, that is Lucia, and the 3rd of Advent, so there should be twice as much fun as we usually do. We went out to the rabbits in their enclousure, at. 6.30pm where it had gotten dark so we could walk Lucia all the way down to them at the other end of the garden. We had found some small electric lights, and then we went and sang Santa Lucia. They thought well enough that it was very strange that we came down to them singing. It was nonetheless really nice to go Lucia parade, just like we have done for them the last few years. This year, of course, should be no exception. We remembered to keep 2 meters distance when we sang ;)

We could not forget to give the rabbits a Christmas tree, as this is an essential part of the whole Christmas. There was no way to buy a Christmas tree this year, so we just went out and cut some new spruce branches from the spruce trees we have standing in our garden. They also became very happy about it, as they now have the opportunity to hide and gnaw on them. It is something that belongs to December and Christmas.

The rabbits got their Advent gifts, which they were really excited about. They jumped around the packages, probably mostly because they could smell what was in, so Sandy she started gnawing at the gift wrap while Molly dug to get it ripped off. They were a good team, and when they managed to open it, they started eating the delicious gift, which were some small Hay Cookies that had been bought for Sandy (but of course Molly got something too). They were crazy about them, so they were allowed to gnaw some time on them. Then they were allowed to open Molly's gift, where they again ran happily around the package. As soon as something rattles like paper, household film or tinfoil, they are on the spot and always ready for a snack. Molly's gift was some homemade carrot pieces that they both absolutely loved. They tossed around with the container they were put in.

Like any other December day, of course, they should also have their calendar gift, which is in each of their Christmas calendars. The day featured dried dandelion roots for Sandy and beetroot treats for Molly, but of course they could not stick to each their package, so they stole from each other, but it seems that they just think it's fun to steal from one another, since it is not always to get the treat. Sometimes they just leave the treat lying on the ground, where they will then steal one more time from the other. They're some little game makers. Some days they are more pixie than others, and today was one of those days. The elves' names are Sontus and Montus, when they start teasing each other and us humans, then they are called that xD

Then we started cleaning out and washing all their stuff, as we always do every Sunday so they can get some fresh and clean stuff again. In addition, we spray all handles off, which are close to the rabbits' homes, so you avoid dragging any. Corona with in to them. We mostly use water and soap (which we let sit for about 30 seconds for effective effect according to the Ministry of Health), to "spray" all contact surfaces that are used a lot. We do not know if this has any effect at all, but then we have at least tried to do something, and it gives a better conscience when trying to avoid Corona infection for the rabbits.

At the end of the evening we came again to let them into their little house, but then we got, as always, a very good idea. We wanted to build dens with them. They have never tried that, and it is something every child can look back on when they did it in the living room, where they found all the blankets and pillows they could, and then they built dens under tables and out of chairs, so that should the rabbits, then also try. Good enough without chairs and tables, but with all the blankets and pillows we could find, the running yard was transformed into one big cave. Carpets were tied with cords in the roof and in the fence, where more carpets were added to the sides and pillows were laid on the ground. We ended up sitting for 1.5 hours in 5 degrees celsius with blankets around us and enjoying ourselves. The rabbits were, as always, very curious about what we were doing, so they jumped around on us, and ran around our legs, to examine all the funny blankets.


Molly and Sandy open a gift together

Family dinner - eating a Hay Cookie

More eating...

Sandy steals Molly's treats


A little sister-fight about the treats


Love the gift wrapping also xD

A little fun video showing the bunnies love for gifts




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