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Sleepover with the bunnies

 A night full of fun

This weekend became the evening for a spontaneous sleepover in the rabbits' run. And yes, the rabbit run is big enough to sleep a few people in there (about 21 km2). We had gone and played a bit with the idea before but Friday was the perfect day and night to make a sleepover in Sandy and Molly's home. However, this was not the first time we had tried to sleep with them. We did it a few years ago too but now it was time to do it again. And the weather was PERFECT so what more could you want? The heat wave was over us and it had been 29 degrees that day but the temperature dropped all the way down to 13 degrees at night but it did not matter as the rabbits warmed our hearts. The sky was starry, the wind had died down and the last birds were chirping in the distance. Nice quiet night.

Molly and Sandy also welcomed us really well when we started moving in with them with all our stuff. It was not like they got angry and wanted us out of their homes again. No, on the contrary, they came running and welcomed us with open paws. They ran curiously around in all the new and exciting things that we had brought with us and they immediately set about exploring and playing which was a wildly wonderful feeling. We are glad that they did not reject us, but welcomed us. After all, we had just waded into their territory.

It was nice to spend some quality time with them again. I had really missed being able to play and have fun with them like I did there. Sometimes it does not take much to be in the right place to get it absolutely wonderful.

You could also try visiting your animals sitting outside in a cage. You do not necessarily have to sleep with the animals but maybe just choose a day or evening where you sit with the animals and sit and read a book or sit and talk to them. In fact, it does not take much before that you feel really comfortable and at the same time it also strengthens your bond with your animals incredibly much. Just being present or being easy to get in touch with is good for the animals. I just have to say that it can be difficult to sit with a book in your lap and read when you are with rabbits because they come regularly all the time and you never get to finish reading that book but hey it is nor the point. The fact that the animal will be curious and choose YOU to be with is completely magical and then you also just have to choose it,then the fun will begin.

But for us, it was fun for many hours and all four of us (us humans and the two four-legged) were even up until late at night where we just had fun and talked together. The rabbits even got to read goodnight story aloud to them. It should be different.

It was a lot of fun to see how their circadian rhythm is during the night. There were periods when they slept and then there were periods when they were both very active and ran around in the middle of the night eating hay. They ran over and puffed at us while we humans slept. At least you could not help but reach out and pet the rabbits. It was an absolutely amazing and magical experience. It is highly recommended.

Molly's exploring

Funny things you have brought me, humans? 
Molly wants to sleep with us

Sandy found her own bed 
Molly steals Sandy's rabbit

Sandy and Rabbit (or what the name is) are best friends


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