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A binkying bunny is a happy bunny

My rabbit makes funny jumps 

What is a binky?

A binky is when the rabbit jumps up in the air and turns the body a bit. This can be done in many different ways, so there is not one particular hop that is a binky. Sometimes the rabbit jumps up in the air and strikes out with both hind legs to the side or runs at full speed, jumping up into the air and doing a twist.

Why do rabbits make binkies?

The rabbit simply makes this hilarious hop of pure zeal and joy. It is happy and content to be alive. When the rabbit makes a binky, it shows you that it is happy and that you have done something right as a rabbit owner. If you have seen this, then you have witnessed the rabbit's joy, as it shows by this very clear sign in the body language. Usually, the body language of rabbits is not at all as clear as when they are happy in this way.

Times when the rabbit makes binkies

There is no definite time that the rabbit makes more binkies than others, but it is more often seen that rabbits that are part of, for example, an apartment have a higher propensity to make these joy shops. It may also be if the rabbit has become accustomed to sitting inside a small cage, but suddenly gets the opportunity to run on larger areas, then it becomes so happy that it will show you it by jumping around happily.

Half a binky

You call it half binky when the rabbit jumps straight up into the air and makes a small twist with his head. So the rest of the body is not included in this twist. So here it is also happy, and it wants to share its joy with you.

You can also play rabbit

You can also join the doctor yourself and make rabbit language. You can jump once and make a small shake of the head and it would be even better if you have long hair, because then it is extra obvious to the rabbit that you are happy too. Give it a shot and try to understand your rabbit. It is often easier to understand the body language if you also "speak" the language yourself.

Go ahead and do it. We won't judge you :)

A shot where Molly makes a binky

Sandy on her long and fast runs through the yard


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