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Circadian rhythm

Rabbits’ sleep compared to humans
Rabbits are a special animal that has an unusual circadian rhythm. They don't sleep a whole night like we humans do. Instead, they sleep for shorter periods of time so that they can more easily be prepared for predators. They therefore wake up once in a while to make sure everything is as it should be. In addition, rabbits sleep with open eyes which we humans do not do either. Rabbits are approx. active for 12-16 hours every day. They are most active in the morning and evening hours because most predators are either hunting when it's daytime or at night so it's the perfect time to find food as there will be less risk of predators nearby. They feel most secure coming out of the caves at dusk when they live in the wild. The predators prefer not to hunt at these times as the sun often dazzles them. Domestic rabbits often follow the same rhythm as the wild ones. It is an advantage for rabbits to be able to lie down and relax when it is the hottest time of the day because they can have a very hard time regulating their body temperature when it gets very hot.
In the winter, however, the activity levels of the rabbits may decrease as the days darken. Furthermore, our human activity level may well affect the rabbits so that they change their rhythm and adapt to ours.

How many hours do rabbits sleep daily?
Rabbits sleep consists of a deep sleep and a light sleep just like humans and in fact they sleep longer than you might think. They actually get to sleep about 11 hours in total every day (of course, it depends on how many predators they have to look out for). Two-thirds of their sleep is deep sleep, which equates to about 7-8 hours, with their light sleep being 2-3 hours.
Their sleep patterns are very different compared to humans because they have to keep an eye on potential dangers all the time. Rabbits are therefore called light sleepers. They wake up occasionally and have short periods of sleep.

The circadian rhythm of indoor rabbits
It can be difficult for rabbits living indoors because there may not be a regular routine as there is with most outdoor rabbits. People may get up later on the weekends and then the rabbits will not get their food at the time they usually do and it may be pushed 3-4 hours and then you will have some very hungry rabbits waiting. Or maybe they should out in the rabbit run so they can graze but you just forgot the time? It may also be difficult to keep a routine at precise times but it should preferably be fairly firm so that the rabbits won’t become stressed because they think they aren’t getting their food anyway. The rabbits who live indoors may also have difficulty knowing the difference between night and day because they cannot see the natural light from the sun which tells them what time it is during the day. It is easier for the outdoor rabbits because they have a more accurate sense of time partly because of the light from the sun.
In addition, temperature can also play a big role when it comes to rabbits and their circadian rhythm. It can be very warm indoors especially for rabbits, since they have a thick coat so it can be extra difficult for them because they prefer to sleep in a slightly cool environment as they spend a lot of energy on cooling down but in a constant-temperature house, finding a cool place to nap can be hard.

Can rabbits see while they sleep?
Rabbits sleep with open eyes and it has its benefits. But just because they have open eyes doesn't it mean they can see while they sleep. Some of the benefits of this technique are that potential predators think the rabbit is awake. In addition, rabbits are more sensitive when there is a change in the light in front of them and then they may be quicker to wake up and respond.


Our rabbits and their circadian rhythm

We can clearly see when our rabbits just want to be left alone so they can sleep. It is important to be able to read your rabbits and see when they need rest. Sleep for rabbits is as important to them as it is to us humans. When our rabbits get up in the morning, they are very active. They walk around the entire rabbit run to sniff branches, dig caves and toss around with their stuff. But when some time has passed, they get tired and need a nap. Sandy and Molly alternately take small naps during the day. Their periods of sleep depend a lot on how hot it is that day. If it is very hot, then they do almost nothing all day until the evening when the temperature has dropped so that they can move around a bit without getting too hot.

Often they just flatten out on the cool dirt and sand and it is especially good if there is a slight breeze in the hot summer weather. But when it's winter, they spend a lot more time taking naps where they wrap themselves together to keep warm. But rabbits would rather have it too cold than too hot. They can better get warm than they can get rid of it. Molly and Sandy are not as active when it is dark and cold in the winter. Can they be sad in the winter like humans? Maybe animals also change mood in proportion to the sun and light in the summer just like us humans?


5 signs that the rabbit is sleeping

  1. They will be still. Rabbits don’t move around while asleep, though they can fall asleep in many different types of positions. The ears will be relaxed. This can be harder to tell with some breeds. But if your rabbit’s ears are pricked up, this is a sign that they are awake.
  2. When sleeping, the ears will be lying against the head.
  3. The nose won’t be twitching. Rabbits wiggle their noses all the time while they’re awake, but not when they are asleep.
  4. The breathing will be slower. You won’t be able to notice this unless you are close. Just like humans, rabbits breathe more slowly while asleep.
  5. Just like some humans, some rabbits snore while sleeping.

Bunnysisters on a familytrip

A few photos of Sandy when she naps

Some photos of Molly when it's naptime


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