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Showing posts from July, 2020

Playing in the conservatory

Fun with the buns A few days ago we thought it had been a long time since Sandy and Molly had been in the conservatory to we decided they should go on an adventure as it otherwise said it was a very long time ago (like 1 year ago). The conservatory very messy so we quickly cleaned up everything. They are excellent motivation to get something done. We put a lot of blankets, baskets, caves and mattresses to make them feel at home, and then we rabbit secured it all so we did not risk them getting hurt. It tends to be a fair temperature in the conservatory so we chose to take them in in the morning so there was the same temperature inside as there was outside. Molly was a little scared to walk on the stone floor to begin with but after a while she just became sure on her paws. Generally, she has had a slight fear of walking on laminate flooring and other hard / slippery floors. We have a theory that it is because she slipped around a lot when she was young and then she has not had the

Circadian rhythm

Rabbits’ sleep compared to humans Rabbits are a special animal that has an unusual circadian rhythm. They don't sleep a whole night like we humans do. Instead, they sleep for shorter periods of time so that they can more easily be prepared for predators. They therefore wake up once in a while to make sure everything is as it should be. In addition, rabbits sleep with open eyes which we humans do not do either. Rabbits are approx. active for 12-16 hours every day. They are most active in the morning and evening hours because most predators are either hunting when it's daytime or at night so it's the perfect time to find food as there will be less risk of predators nearby. They feel most secure coming out of the caves at dusk when they live in the wild. The predators prefer not to hunt at these times as the sun often dazzles them. Domestic rabbits often follow the same rhythm as the wild ones. It is an advantage for rabbits to be able to lie down and relax when it is the h