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Herbs - the ultimate health help

Herbs are wonderful to your health

I will make a small list of the herbs that are good for rabbits and that have some holding-healing properties in form of, using the immune system, the body's systems, provide some important vitamins, etc. All these plants and herbs are something rabbits can tolerate to eat, but it is only in limited quantities.

Dried dandelion roots

They contain both A, B, C and D vitamins, there are some important vitamins that can be used to maintain, for example, the immune system. Vitamin D is important even if the rabbit is outside and it is very important if you have an indoor rabbit as it helps with native skin, teeth and fur.

Dandelions is said to being able to prevent and even cure cancer. However, this has not been demonstrated but it is worth the try if you are sick, right?

It has the property of helping to remove gift items in the body and they can even remove varicose veins.

If you have problems with gallbladder, kidney or handle, then the roots could also stimulate them. All in all, dandelions should be really healthy and benefit many things. These roots are clearly my favorite when it comes to healing herbs from nature.

Buy them at eg JR Farm or dig them yourself and dry them.

Nettle leaves

It is important that the leaves are completely dried. They need approx. lie for 24 hours after they are picked before giving to rabbits otherwise you risk them being burned.

Nettle leaves contain vitamin C and provitamin A, as well as iron which helps keep the coat and immune system healthy.

Plants are also released and watery so peel by giving the rabbit plenty of water too so that they do not run the risk of dehydration.

It can also relieve arthritis pain, if the animal is very hurt then this may be a good alternative.

Nettles can easily be found in the garden or in forests and dried for 24 hours


This plant is used extensively for cleansing the airways as it is mucus-releasing so it is good to clean out if the rabbit has respiratory problems.

It is in fact also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent so it is also good if the animal has suffered a wound or similar.

It also helps with digestion which is a very important part of maintaining the rabbit. It is a very delicate system so digestion can be a good help.

This is a Smooth road. It is also found in Lancet road

Blackberry Leaves

Blackberry leaves are really good if the rabbit has gas in the intestines as it counteracts being elevated and in addition they also counteract colds and diarrhea.

The leaves are also anti-inflammatory which is why they go through all their fast and then they are also pain relievers.

They can also lower blood pressure if the rabbit has a very high blood pressure then it would be a good idea for sample blackberries.

Blackberry leaves often stings


This herb is god for the moment and can actually improve night vision. Since it contains a lot of vitamin A which is the perfect user for keeping instant healthy and well, you can benefit from giving this rabbit this herb so its moments stay healthy

In addition, it also counteracts dry skin and aging signs allowing you to stay "young" for longer if consuming this plant.

It ensures that the oxygen in the blood is transported properly around the body.

Basil has a very strong taste but it has good properties

Lemon Balm

This herb is very distinctive as it has a very strong smell of lemon. If you give rubbing leaves then you can say that it is like the powerful lemon smell and it is the best way to find out if you have picked the right plant.

It is said that the lemon balm has de-stressing and calming abilities. It can counteract sleep problems and even grief, and then it just has a calming effect on both animals and humans.

In addition, it helps the body with heal wounds and scratches faster.

Rub the leaves and there will stretch out an acidic lemon

Ground elder

Ground elder stands everywhere and you often think of what weeds are and it just has to go away, but think straight and extra gang the next time you throw them away. They have a number of good features that can help both rabbits and yourself.

It contains many C vitamins and potassium, magnesium, protein and fiber that the body needs to build up the immune system among other things.

Rabbits have said a very delicate digestive system and why is this plant god then can help get the system going again if it is about to stall.

It also has your cleansing properties on it. helps to cleanse the kidney, liver and blood.

Ground elder is often considered weed but you might reconsider that idea

Strawberry leaves

Strawberry leaves are sun whether they want to or cultivate themselves.

They counteract among other things arthritis, renal colic and help relieve pain.

The leaves improve digestion, metabolism and increase hemoglobin in the blood and why it also counteracts anemia and so it describes it against infections in the skin.

Strawberry leaves have some extremely useful properties for a rabbit


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